Launch a new project

Run the following command to create a new Astropi project from the starter template:

# If you use pnpm
pnpm create astro --template github:goulvenclech/astropi/starter
# If you use npm
npm create astro --template github:goulvenclech/astropi/starter
# If you use yarn
yarn create astro --template github:goulvenclech/astropi/starter

Astro CLI will ask you a few questions to set up your project and init a Git repository.

Starter structure

Astropi starter is a minimalistic Astro project with a few markdown files to get you started. Here is the project structure:

├─ src/
│    ├─ content/ <- Where you put your markdown files
│    |  ├─ [...]
│    |  └─ config.ts <- Collections Zod schemas
│    └─ env.d.ts 
├─ astro.config.mjs <- Astro & Astropi configuration
├─ package.json

Starter configuration

The astro.config.mjs file contains the configuration for Astro and Astropi. You can customize it to fit your needs.

Here is the default Astropi configuration:

      projectName: "Astropi", // Add your project name
      archetypes: [
          path: "blog",
          name: "Blog",
          collection: "blog",
          type: "blog-content",